The 4th C
I’ve heard various versions of a fourth “C” for Al-Anon’s three Cs. This is my favorite so far: I didn’t Cause it, I can’t Cure it, and I can’t Control it, but I have Choices.
wisdom collected on the journey, with love from Lea
I’ve heard various versions of a fourth “C” for Al-Anon’s three Cs. This is my favorite so far: I didn’t Cause it, I can’t Cure it, and I can’t Control it, but I have Choices.
There’s always another acronym: A new one recently heard is FEAR = Frantic Effort to Assume Responsibility. Read more acronyms here
LOVE = Let Others Voluntarily Evolve
Acronym heard in a meeting: PAUSE More acronyms for PAUSE: Pause And Use Spiritual Energy Perhaps Another Useful Solution Exists People Are Usually Stupid, Expect it